Minecraft Fox Miner edition

See the world the way Fox Miner does!

Minecraft Fox Miner edition also called the "New World" Pre-release 1 | Beta 0.0.35 (1.19 and lower) / 0.0.45 (1.20) will give you many texture changes to Minecraft, brightening your day!

Pre-release only!

Last Updated
--March 2024--

Teardown Fox Miner Mod Pack

Many Items/Cars/Robots made by Fox Miner

Teardown Fox Miner Mod Pre-release Pack 1.2.4 will give access to many unique Items, Vehicles, Robots and more...Update 1.6.5 coming soon, unlocking new cars, reworked models and scripts for Cars and Robots, and some small extras...

Pre-release only!

Last Updated
--March 2024--